Category: IRS Tax Law

Texas Tax Attorney Defending You and Your Business
Against Aggressive IRS Actions

Working to resolve IRS tax law issues

It may not come as a surprise to many Texas residents that people across the state have financial problems that prevent from doing certain activities. One matter that should not be avoided though, regardless of what a person’s monetary situation

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What if you can’t pay your taxes?

Federal and state income taxes surprise people every year. Even though Austin residents hear of tax credits, cuts, breaks and refunds, not all of them apply to everyone and many people end up owing a significant amount of money to

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What are payroll taxes that are due?

Employers have a number of duties that need to be fulfilled in order to run a legal and successful business in Austin. One of these responsibilities is that of collecting, reporting and paying payroll taxes, as required by both federal

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The dangers of tax misconceptions

How common are tax misconceptions in the U.S.? Pretty common, the results of a recent GOBankingRates survey suggest. The survey results point to many Americans not having the right information about key tax details. For example, of the people polled:

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What Tax Reform Means For Your 2018 Return

The tax reform bill passed by Congress in 2017 has resulted in a number of changes that are important to keep in mind as you begin preparing your 2018 tax return (that’s right; tax day is just around the corner

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It Is Not Too Early (Or Too Late)

April 15. “Tax day”. A day that is synonymous with the idea of filing your income taxes with the IRS. Cultural institutions such as The Simpsons have based episode plots around a character working frantically to get their tax return in

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