Category: IRS Tax Law

Texas Tax Attorney Defending You and Your Business
Against Aggressive IRS Actions

A quick look at the trust fund recovery penalty

Dealing with accounting and payroll taxes can be a nightmare, primarily thanks to the IRS. It’s rules and regulations, as well as IRS tax law, dictate how these matters should be handled, and any misstep, even those that are seemingly

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Worker classifications under IRS tax law

Not every worker is equal in the eyes of the law. Austin residents who perform services that can be controlled by an employer, even if the way to achieve an objective is left up to the individual, are known as

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Tax obligations can be lessened with the help of professionals

In an ideal world, a Texas resident would understand IRS tax law, the information required to accurately fill out the returns he or she is obligated to do, and correctly enter one’s exemptions and deductions. Unfortunately, this rarely happens-incorrect amounts

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Can the IRS revoke my passport?

There are many financial penalties to not paying one’s taxes in a timely manner, but many Texas residents may not know that the Internal Revenue Service can notify the State Department when someone owes a seriously delinquent tax debt. This

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What does a legitimate letter from the IRS look like?

For the Internal Revenue Service, this is the beginning of correspondence season. It is most likely sending out notices, bills and changes in reporting notices to taxpayers. When an Austin resident receives a letter from the IRS, he or she

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How is my employment status relevant to my tax bill?

Paying taxes is complicated enough, but ensuring one is paying their taxes at the right status of worker can be even more complex. It is a common error made by businesses-intentionally or mistakenly misclassifying the status of a worker only

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What is ‘Currently Not Collectible’ status?

Many Texas residents may hesitate from filing their taxes because they are unable to pay their taxes and meet their living expenses at the same time. What most people may not be aware of is that the Internal Revenue Service

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IRS liens explained

The importance of paying tax obligations on time has been discussed on previous posts here, as have the various partial payment plans offered by the Internal Revenue Service. Even if an Austin resident is not able to pay their taxes,

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